Thursday, December 4, 2008

My Village Assignments

Above is a map of the Lower Kuskokwim School District (named for the Kuskokwim River). The school district covers 22,000 square miles, serves almost 4,000 students and has the highest number of certified indigenous teachers- one quarter of the districts teachers are of Yup'ik heritage.
The town of Bethel is on the upper right side of the map. This is the "hub" of the tundra villages and includes a large hospital, airport, several grocery stores, hotels, restaurants, banks etc. as well as the school district office and our b&b.
My site assignments include the following villages: Toksook Bay (left side of map), Kwigillingok, Kongiganak, Atmauluak, and Kilbuck Elementary in Bethel. I have now officially visited each of these villages between my two visits!

1 comment:

Papabloger said...

Let me know if you get by blog comment. I thought I sent one yesterday, but have not seen it. Thanks for the site address. Hopefully everyone can get to it, for it is fun to read. I didn't realize that you aren't paid if a flight is canceled. Not good! The picture of the kids is cute. Could you send it to our e-mail, as well as any good Thanksgiving pictures. We need to start our Christmas letter and I would like to include recent photos. My goal is to get better about such things. Again, let me know if you get this Blog. I did what your Dad told me...or I thought I did. Hope your day goes well. Love, Mom