Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Heart Day!

If I couldn't spend this special day with my family, there is no other person I would rather be with than my friend and PIC (partner in crime)- Kathy. We celebrated a day early with a dinner out. While I ate the ever popular BLT (hold the mayo please!), french fries, and root beer, Kathy opted for the much healthier choice of stir-fried veggies and rice. We then splurged and shared a deep-fried brownie sundae! Yum-o! (What has my life been reduced too when I write an entire blog about a meal in Bethel, Alaska??) Sorry no photos- we ate it all!
This morning after a breakfast of blueberry pancakes, sausage, and oj (here I go again with the food), we took a cab to the local cultural center for Saturday market. Basically, an arts and crafts sale. We found many more items we could not live without- such as sealskin thimbles (no, I am not kidding).
Then we toured a museum full of native crafts. We especially enjoyed the ivory carvings and rye grass baskets. There were boots made of fish skin, jackets made of seal guts (much like a present day raincoat), fish basket traps, qaspeqs (native women's coat/dress, and lots of jewelry and photographs.
Finally it was home for tacos and a movie!
Hope you all had a great valentine's Day!

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