Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Eye (Brows) Have It!

I cannot believe I have not posted about this before! Knowing this fact is crucial to ANY communication with Yup'ik speakers. So, generally if you ask someone if they want to do something you will get a verbal "yes" or "no" or at least a nod or head shake. Not here-they only way to decipher your answer is to watch the eyebrows. If a Yup'ik person is answering "yes", they will raise their eyebrows. That is it! (oh, and by the way, EVERYONE, young and old alike do this!)Thank goodness my partner-in-crime clued me into this because there is seriously NO verbal response, and at times you think you are being ignored, until you remember to keep your eyes on their face at all times during conversation.
P.S. The answer "no" is just a blank stare!


Papabloger said...

Hi Brooke -
Have a good flight home tomorrow.
We'll all be waiting at the airport.
Love, Mom and Dad

Papabloger said...

Lauren and Cole and I just finished reading your Blog. It has been so fun to follow your adventure. Even though you had misgivings at times, I am confident you will look back on this as one of the most memorable moments in your life. See you on Saturday. Love, Mom

Mom, I liked the art pictures. Papa is teaching Cole and I sign language. Love, Lauren

Cole sends another kiss via technology. He really liked the fish pictures.

SandyKay said...

Brooke ~ You're blog is so much fun! I was in Alaska for a little while a few years ago but we didn't exprience much like what you have. We were in Palmer and it wasn't that much different than the lower 48 ~ except that the people were amazingly friendly! Keep posting when you go back up ~ can't wait to see more.
