Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Last Trip to Toksook

I started my job this year at the village of Toksook Bay, so it seemed fitting that I end this year there as well. What a difference from the fall to the spring! According to many of the residents, this has been a record year for snow accumulation.

This is the village on Nelson Island where a herd of musk ox live. (No, I didn't get to see them, this is a picture of a poster in the school!)

Check this out! This is a snowmobile buried in the snow- look close and you will see the handle bars!

When I reached the Head Start building, some of the kids were sitting on the roof because of the amount of snow, and when you look at the next picture, notice the "snow steps" down to the front door. (When I was here in the fall, the front door was level with the ground).

When I got to Head Start, I had the honor of listening to the teacher read a story in Yup'ik. It was great! Even though I could not understand a word, I could completely follow the story. (the name of the book was "On Mother's Lap"- about a little Yup'ik boy and his mother- and it can be found on Barnes and Noble -if should want a great little cultural story!)

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